They're here at
last...and they are way cool! Ever since I saw Kelly's Heroes
back in the 70s I've had a kind of reverence for the Tiger
I. I can't imagine what it must have been like to go up
against such a monster.
These tanks are
super detailed. Hatches open. Turrets turn. The
barrel elevates. Figures can be put in the hatches or can stand
up. The painting, especially on the vehicles, is superb.
If these things don't grab your imagination and squeeze, then I
question the depth of your addiction to toy soldiers.

The figures
are a little smaller than most other 1/32nd scale figures.
Most of the poses are a little awkward and many are reminiscent of
other poses that are out there. (Why is it that all German
officers end up looking sort of alike?) The paint jobs on the
clothes and equipment are excellent. The faces are
painted better than those on Britains Detail figures, but they're
not in the same league as what you get when you buy painted plastic
figures from Toy Soldiers of San Diego.

Click on above photo
for size comparisons.

Click on above photo
for Black and White Pics
